Thursday, July 24, 2008

Change We Can't Believe In

Many things have changed since the beginning of this summer. Hillary Clinton has bowed out of the race for the White House, John McCain has released his 70-page “I am well” medical report, and Jesse Jackson, the self proclaimed voice of blacks in America, has revealed himself to be the lowest form of creatures that inhabit the earth.

What else? I have watched as 80,000 people assemble to catch a glimpse of a Harvard-educated community organizer, whose command of the queen’s language is beyond enviable. I have watched women in their 50s cry upon seeing him, like they were teenage girls at a Jonas Brothers concert. I have watched young adults faint because they are so overwhelmed by his immaculate presence. Hundreds of his followers have adapted his name. Bagels in Palestine are named after him. Millions around the world pray for an opportunity to be graced by his presence. Some believe that he may even have the cures for cancer, aids, erectile dysfunction, starvation, infant mortality, and all forms of bigotry. His ability to wow people has transcended race, gender, socio-economic classes, religion and national borders.

No. I am not talking about the second coming of Christ, and I am not talking about the Pope. I am not talking about Elvis emerging from 31 years of hiding. I am talking about Barack H. Obama, candidate for the Presidency of These United States of America.

Barack Obama is one of the most charismatic men that I have ever seen or read about, at least while he has a teleprompter to read from. Take away the teleprompter, and his fall from grace begins. This may be one of the reasons why his interviews are so few, and far between.

Obama has single-handedly reconstructed the demographics of the popular vote. He has already been embraced by Europeans, and Middle Easterners as the future leader of the United States. Over 200,000 people gathered today in Berlin to catch a glimpse of the man that represents CHANGE. By most accounts, he is an emperor awaiting his coronation.

How has the community organizer, turned politician emerged as a force so great? How has a presidential candidate transformed himself into a pop icon? But what does Barack Obama have to offer? Where will he take us?

Well, Senator Obama has obliterated the competition by promising HOPE, and CHANGE to the masses. This suave offspring of the corrupt Chicago political system has the masses hoping that when he becomes president, there will be universal healthcare, cheaper education, zero pollution, and goodwill towards the USA.

In the classic movie, The Shawshank Redemption, Morgan Freeman’s character said “Hope can be a dangerous thing”? Why? Well, at the intersection of hope and disappointment, lies despair.

Senator Obama’s socialist rhetoric is far from new, and therefore does not represent change. It has been peddled to the masses by the far left since the 1960s. Income redistribution and universal healthcare are critical parts of a failed system known to the world as socialism. America is the greatest country in the world because of freedom, and capitalism. Capitalism drives innovation and ingenuity, and these two traits are the lifeblood of America.
However, in a desperate attempt to depart from what most people perceive as the failings of George W, and the Republican Party, we run the risk of mortgaging our country’s prosperity, and security by electing Barack Obama president.

Obama has proposed $800 Billion in new social programs. Even if we were not facing a $9.5 Trillion deficit, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, such irresponsible spending would not be sustainable. Further, Obama did not support the surge, and has simply refused to admit that he was wrong on Iraq. But, we have to admire his brilliance. He has taken George W.’s formula of the surge, and is insisting that it be applied to the war in Afghanistan.

The race for the White House is not a beauty pageant, and it is not the tour of a multi-platinum pop artist flying to D.C. The upcoming presidential election, like all before them, has real consequences. Real people will face despair when a Pres. Obama is not able to effect the “CHANGE” that he promised them. Real Americans will become more vulnerable to foreign attacks, because of his ever shifting international policies of appeasement that are as solid as jell-o nailed to a wall. Sen. Obama is right. He does represent change. Change from one position to another.

That, my friends, is NOT change that we can believe in.

BOOM M. Wilson


BigSexy said...

I believe that this candidate will win the election only because he is the first accepted anomaly in the history of American politics and because Al Gore's Internet helped him raise the capaign money .

Anonymous said...

Obama will become president.

Anonymous said...

Hey Boom. I am disappointed that you came to America to become a neo-conservative. This country has corrupted you.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, Obama went to Germany and did not go to see the troups, but he took the time to speak to a bunch of Germans.

Anonymous said...

Obama has inspired the masses. These masses are people without voices that are tired of GOP control over masses. These people come from economically disadvantage socially, financially and spiritually. This has lead to collapse of social engine that drives America. We Americans are all responsible for the collapse social system. We have rejected our responsibly as leaders, parents and teachers. Our moral and ethical system guides has detracted by wealth and fame. I not saying that wealth and fame is evil but it do come with a cost. The term butterfly effects are Chaos Theory. A minor change in circumstances causes a large change in outcome. This is one of the problems with society. We have grown so out of focus with fundamental principle of human life.

lerudit said...

Just a few points of contention. Opinions are great and often do reflect racial and cultural identity but when they do sharply diverge from the expected path raise eyebrows.

Non-conformism based on analysis

and conclusion i do really admire nevertheless i do have issues with faulty reasoning. The following statements do not make sense and are rather inflammatory:

"Mortgaging our country’s prosperity?" How is electing a candidate of the Democratic Party as president equated to mortgaging US prosperity.US prosperity does not depend on the president but on an expanding economy which depends on the money supply, access to credit for investment and purchases, low interest rates and profits for companies. The Federal Reserve has a lot more to do with this than the president.
Secondly, the president is very weak on the domestic front unless he is backed by a majority of party members in both houses.For example, as popular as Bill Clinton was, he could not get any of his domestic major policies passed. The Federal Govt even shut down at one point because he could not get his budget passed.
Internationally, is where the president has the most power. Power is considered the ability to influence a person's or state's decision in a direction that is favorable and perhaps even contrary to self-interest.War is the final extension of diplomacy and the threat of war is perhaps greater than the actual thing.The decision to go invade Iraq was based on pre-existing policy that took advantage of the window open by the 9/11 attacks.How has violating all of the norms and principles of International Law and collective security making the US safer. The fact is that Al Qaeda has become a symbol of resistance to US power in most of the third world. Veitnam had to end with none of the political and non-military objectives met. Is the Iraq occupation supposed to be endless. If so the "permanent military bases" theory is dangerously close to being true.

Freedom and capitalism created prosperity you think?
Factually and historically, US Wealth and that of Developed European States were not amassed through lassez-Faire capitalism but thru centuries of protectionist policies and free(unpaid) labor in the South had a lot to do with Profits too I might add.

Income redistribution and universal health care are critical parts of a failed system known to the world as socialism?

Canada, France, Scandanavia and most of the developed countries have universal health care and very viable socialist policies.
Socialism is not as scandalous and unamerican a system as it is made to seem. The current health care system is a not adequate or efficient. Insurance premiums have increased astronomically because of a emergency room health care practiced by the uninsured and other unregulated practices by the private sector. Medicare and medicaid are in essence socialist programs that can be made more efficient.Markets do fail often and that is why public policy exists.

“Obama has proposed $800 Billion in new social programs. Even if we were not facing a $9.5 Trillion deficit, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, such irresponsible spending would not be sustainable.”

800 billion is very sustainable and relatively insignificant compared to war spending. What is irresponsible about a suggested budgetted that is going to be first vetted via congressional approval? None of these changes are going to break the US.Policies and programs are only temporary. They may or may not fail.If they do fail, they will be revised when the proper window opens.
If there is enough popular support for Barack and the numbers add up he will be elected President and not much is going to be changed because it is political system that keeps the engine turning and not any single dispensible individual.

An idea of hope and change when weilded by a charismatic individual who happens to mixed race is highly symbolic in this current climate of fear, xenophobia and disapointment. It is perhaps not the worst of things and could very well restore confidence in the US State and People in the eyes of the world and millions of aspiring and new Americans.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Boom, the conservative talking points have been so eloquently reiterated by you, but still has that air of being manufactured. Hopefully-Yes, yet another hope monger-the state of affairs in the U.S. has her citizens longing for a Leader, who they cannot only drink a beer with, but most importantly can keep America safe, present a less hostile face to the world, and effect economic policies that not only favor big Oil, but shares the wealth amongst all of its citizens.
For eight years, the rich have become richer, a budget surplus is now a whopping deficit and the middle class in this great country is on the verge of being extinct. You outlined Obama's agenda as
fluff, but failed to articulate what your party/ candidate has to offer. Subconsciously, you as well as the rest of the country knows that it is more of the same, so the personal attacks on Senator Obama, only serves to deflect from McCain's non existing agenda. America's policies have far reaching ramifications, so the rest of the world has a right to show overwhelming support for any candidate in this race. Unfortunately, they do not get to participate in the elections here, but I hope the showing the Germany made americans aware of its role in the World. Our housing market is in shambles and has a ripling effect on the entire economy, and global economy. My home value is in the gutter now thanks to the "elephant in the room". If you think a msg of change will not resonate with the electorate, then, it an electorate that has been in a bubble for eigth years. I hope the decision in November ushers in the sound politics of Senator Obama.

Anonymous said...


you have yet to state what the policies of John McCain will be, that is if they will be any different than George W's. We can not affor to stay in Iraq for 100 years as your candidate stated. We can not afford to drill of the coast of the US just to enrich your employer, and to ensure that you guys get the fat bonuses that afford you all to live the life that you do now.

We have a responsibility as Americans to look out, and help those who can not help themselves. Not everybody had a bank executive as a role model/father as you did. You and your republican buddies are only interested in lining your pockets.

Obama will bring change. Change that we can believe in.