Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Take On Things – The Barack Obama Campaign

Is Barack Obama truly an "out of touch" elitist? We have no way of truly knowing. However, with all of the evidence that we have, I will choose to err on the side of caution. For a man who has spent all of his professional adult life in public service, and working as a civil-rights lawyer, I would not say that Barack Obama is "out of touch". Given the social status of his parents, or lack thereof, I would definitely hesitate to label him an elitist.

While it may be true that many in mainstream America have contributed to Sen. Obama's campaign, it is also true that the senator is being bankrolled by George Soros and How do we justify electing someone that has the Soros' war chest firmly behind them? Well, we don't. Just a few months ago, labeled a true patriot, and a decorated hero, Gen. David Patraeus, a traitor. Unfortunately, Sen. Obama has yet to renounce this sordid action by his ATM. I wonder what will become of the brave men and women who continue to shed blood, sweat, and tears on battlefields all over the world, in order for us (I included) to sit in the comfort of our homes and criticize every politician. We saw what Clinton did to the military! That's right, he down sized.

With Sen. Obama coming to the defense of his racist, black-supremist pastor, labeling his grand-mother a racist, and the recent "bitter" comments, I think that it should be crystal clear to us, that the Senator from Illinois, like most politicians, will say, and do anything in order to occupy the most powerful office on earth, the office of the President of the United States. While I do not think that the senator is an elitist, I believe that he felt the need to pander to the far-left elitist of San Francisco, by trivializing people’s faith in God, and castigating their belief in their constitutional rights to bear arms. Such sycophantic behavior coming from a presidential candidate is as just dangerous, if not worse, than being an elitist.

We all agree on several fundamental facts. Senator Obama is a black man (or half-black). He is infectious, and charming, as he is charismatic. However, are these reasons enough to vote him into the oval office? Hardly!! How will his policies affect Middle-America? How will his policies that are sympathetic to teachers union affect students across all spectrums of this great country? How will his hostility toward large corporations affect American jobs, the pensions of firemen, teachers, and law enforcement officers?

If Barack Obama is elected president, I foresee an America where ingenuity will be stifled, and success punished. Instead of vilifying successful corporations, and individuals, we should encourage small business growth by rolling back taxes. This will encourage hiring, and will lead to the trickle-down effect that we are alwaystalking about. Creativity and entrepreneurship are at the heart and soul of America.

At least he is consistent. Senator Obama’s solution to every problem is simple; TAX. If it moves, tax it. If it breathes, tax it. He claims that his tax hikes will affect only those that make above $200k; in other words, small business owners.

We need to support a candidate that will incubate these fundamental of American tenets. That candidate, ladies and gentlemen, is not Sen. Barack Obama.

-BOOM M. Wilson
Unapologetic Capitalist, and Conservative Republican

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